The Green Party is growing fast. We now represent people in Westminster and in a record number of local councils across the country.
Here in Harrogate and District we’re working progressively on local issues; to improve the lives of all people across Harrogate District, and to improve our local environment. We are keen to encourage active travel by making roads safer for all. Walking and cycling are good for physical and mental health and improve air quality. We work with other groups and political parties to achieve positive outcomes for everyone.
Currently we’re working towards getting Green Party Councillors elected to the new Harrogate Town Council. Elections are on Thursday May 1st, 2025. In under two years the Green Councillors at North Yorkshire have brought in real changes including better water quality, weedkiller reduction, lower speed limits, easier active travel, more efficient road repairs, better response to flooding, increased numbers of affordable homes and budget improvements. There are also Green Councillors on Knaresborough Town Council and local Parish Councils. Green councillors work hard for you.
We rely on people power rather than corporate finance in all that we do. Get involved with us today so that we can achieve so much more for the Harrogate area.
Please Get in Touch:, phone: 07808863009.
Help get Greens elected in Harrogate & District
Latest News
- Green Party Councillor Arnold Warneken Outraged By Labour’s Lack Of Vision For Jobs, The Economy And The Environment.
- Arnold Warneken Dons his Christmas Elf Cap for IDAS
- Cake, Talk & AGM – Tuesday November 12th 7:10pm
- Shan Oakes speaking up for Greens in GE 2024
- Arnold Warneken
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