Help us save Rotary Wood
The fight to save Rotary Wood continues. Reserved Matters are now open for objects to the latest planning request from Danone Harrogate Spring Water.
Harrogate Spring Water (Danone) submitted a new version of the expansion plans to the North Yorkshire Council. The internationally owned multinational water company still wants to remove established trees for its plastic polluting water bottling plant.
Get involved with the action group on Facebook.
History of the Save Rotary Wood fight
Over the past five years, the Harrogate and District Green Party have been working with local groups and the community to stop the development of community land by a plastic water bottling factory. It’s a campaign based on David and Goliath. The local community is trying to stop an international conglomerate from taking much used public land to the detriment of the environment and local ecosystem.
In 2017, Harrogate Sping Water (owned by Danone) was granted outline planning permission to extend their factory into Rotary Wood. Harrogate Borough Council owns this established woodland, an environmental and community asset. In 2019, they applied to extend this extension to cover two acres of the woods, which was rejected again in 2021 after a fight by the local community and TV presenter Julia Bradbury.
How to object
- Go online: www.northyorks.gov.uk
- Click on the following links:
- View and comment on planning applications in your area (select twice).
- Click on public access.
- Log in or register first to log in.
- Simple search, type: 20/01539/REMMAJ
- Click comment to add your comment.
- Remember to select ‘object’.
Alternatively, email comments to: planningcomments.har@northyorks.co.uk
Information to consider
Loss of community asset. Public access to 4.25-acre ACV woodland drastically reduced.
A 2-acre strip of privately owned (Danone/HSW) land does not compensate.
No Arboricultural Impact Assessment. Danone 450 tree count and 3:1 ratio incorrect. 1,500+ trees counted within development site with 20 years of growth: optimal carbon sequestration stage. 1,200 saplings: not compensation or ‘like for like’.
No Biodiversity Management Plan, as suggested within ecological advice. There are no guarantees for the future of the woodland, including the 2-acre area.
The scale of building components is larger than the approved outline planning, extra building plus change of use. Not in line with Danone’s reasons to expand: public misled.
Public amenity: planted by the community. Well-used and well-loved. A valuable resource we hope to enjoy for years to come.
Insufficient bat survey: bat activity present. Further surveys during May and July are desired, in line with Bat Conservation Trust Survey Guidelines (2016).
Incomplete ecological report:15% of site not assessed which could have concealed protected species evidence.” (Survey .27)
No nesting or roosting features on buildings, as suggested within ecological advice.
Loss of valuable habitat: Evidenced badgers foraging on site, priority species bats and Dutch rush (local priority flora species).
Traffic increase/Highway safety concerns.
Climate Emergency: not in line with council climate emergency declaration or policies, such as BAP and Climate Change Strategy: increased greenhouse gasses: CO2 (Industry and Transport), plastic pollution, water extraction during the global water crisis, water pollution (hazardous substances: microplastics), deforestation at “tipping point.
Development contradicts Danone deforestation policy.
The reputation of our home town Harrogate: for people and planet, or “profit and plastic?
Stay in touch: saverotarywoodagain@proton.me
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