06/06/2024 / 06/06/2024 by clarkpearson
The Harrogate and Knaresborough Green Party were informed by the police on 5th June that twoarrests were made in connection with a statement in the leaflet distributed by the Liberal Democratsin the Hookstone, Stray and Woodlands by-election in April. We have been contacted by the press but have merely confirmed information already in the publicdomain. […]
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11/05/2024 by clarkpearson
A statement from Ian Charters, Elections Officer for the Green Party, Harrogate and District and Elections Agent for Gilly Charters, Green Party Candidate for Stray, Woodlands and Hookstone District As the Liberal Democrat team sit around discussing the result of the Harrogate by-election in Stray, Woodlands and Hookstone, like crooks arguing over a failed heist, […]